Dr Jess Felton Dermatologist
Dermatology care for the whole family
Please click on Dr Jess Felton for details of how to arrange an appointment.
Dr Jess Felton trained in London and Sussex qualifying as a Dermatology Consultant in 2011. She then undertook a specialist fellowship at Guys and St Thomas' Hospital for advanced dermatology training. Consultations and surgery for private patients are available at the Nuffield Hospital in Haywards Heath and Gatwick Spire, Surrey. Her NHS work is at the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital, in Brighton, for specialist paediatric dermatology and Croydon University Hospital, London, for adult and childrens' dermatology and skin cancer. She is clinical lead for dermatology. She has regular surgical lists and participates in a weekly skin cancer meeting. This broad expertise allows Dr Jess to provide expert and safe skin care for all ages and conditions.
She is regularly invited to lecture Nationally and internationally and is active in Dermatology research publishing in leading medical journals.
Dr Jess Felton is proud to volunteer for football charity "Albion in the Community" for skin cancer prevention. She has advised Eczema Outreach Support, a patient support group and is an invited writer for the National Eczema Society magazine.
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP) London
MBBS BSc University of London
Member of the British Association of Dermatologists
Member of the Medical Defence Union
Adult and Paediatric Dermatology
Skin cancer diagnosis and treatment
Skin surgery
Eczema and psoriasis
Urticaria and allergy causing skin problems
Acne and rosacea
Sun damage/ skin cancer prevention
Mole mapping
Rash diagnosis and treatment
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